Sunday, July 27, 2014

Author's Note

Everything on this blog is my own work. Each success, failure, split infinitive and dangling participle is mine alone. 





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Most of the pieces I post are either unfinished or so short as to seem unfinished. I may revisit them. Likely not, though. I have a habit, you see, of writing in very brief stints. Something may catch my eye or an idea may tickle at the back of my brain until I put something down. Then I set it aside. 

This blog is partly for my own enjoyment and an effort to stick my neck out. Neck sticking out activities can be scary. Sharing something I have written and liked is particularly so. You might not think the same. You might even tell me with blunt and ugly language. Yikes! 


(You? There might not even be a "You." How arrogant of me to assume.)

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